10 Steps to Becoming Entrepreneurs

10 Steps to Becoming Entrepreneurs
Start with a dream. It began from a dream and belief in our product will offer. A dream is where it all started. Pemimpilah are always creating and making a breakthrough in products, the way of service, service, or idea that can be sold successfully. They do not recognize boundaries and kerterikatan, do not recognize the word 'can not' or 'impossible'.

STEP 2, LOVE The Products or Services
Love your products. A love of the product we will give an assurance to our customers and make the hard work was light. Make us able to get through tough times. Every initial effort was always there will be many obstacles or difficulties that insistent insistently, the love of our products that will make us work harder with pleasure.

Enthusiastism and Persistence: enthusiasm and tenacity as a sign of love and faith we will be the backbone of the success of a new business.

10 Steps to Becoming Entrepreneurs
10 Steps to Becoming Entrepreneurs

STEP 3, Learn The Basics of BUSINESS.
Study the business fundamentals. : BEYOND THE * buy low, sell high, pay late, collect early. There will be no success without a knowledge base for business is good, learning by doing, helped advance work for 1-2 years to be able to learn the basics of the effort will help us to advance with more baik.Carilah-good-teacher.

STEP 4, Willing to Take Calculated Risks.
Take the risk. The gains That you Will be Able to Achieve is directly proportional to the risk taken:

Dare to take calculated risks is a key early in the entrepreneurial world, because the results may be achieved will be proportional to the risk taken. A calculated risk well will give more chance of success. And this is the key factor that distinguishes entreprenneur with the manager. Entrepreneurs are more needed in the early stages of corporate development, and the manager is required to regulate companies that have been advanced.

STEP 5, Seek Advice, But Follow Your Belief.
Seek advice from experts, but follow our conscience. Consult Consultants, ask the experts, but follow your hearts. Entrepreneurs are always looking for advice from various parties, but the final decision is always there in his hand and can be decided with a "sixth sense" it.

STEP 6, Salesmanship and Customer Understanding.
Good communication and selling skill. In the initial phase of a business, selling skill is the key-success. And the ability to understand and master the relationship with customers will help develop the business on that phase.

STEP 7, Work Hard, 7 Days a Week, 18 Hours a Day.
Hard work. Ethos of hard work is often regarded as ancient dream and should be replaced, but the hard-work and smart-work can not be separated anymore. Almost all of Successful start-up takes workaholics. True entrepreneurs never be separated from work, during sleep the brain works and thought it would businessnya. To the seagrass and dream work.

STEP 8, Make Friends, As Much As Possible.
Befriend as many. At the same price and quality that people buy from friends, the price is slightly more expensive, people will still buy from friends. Friends will help develop our business, give advice, help help during hard times.

STEP 9, Deal With Failures.
Failure is a failure to face vitamins to strengthen and sharpen intuition and our ability to entrepreneurship, as long as the failure was not lethal. Every effort will always have a risk of failure and when until it happens, be prepared and face!

STEP 10, Just Do It, NOW!
Do it now. When you are ready, do it now. Manager always do:
READY-AIM-Shoot, but the entrepreneur will do READY-AIM-Shoot!. Decide and do now, since tomorrow is not ours.
Becoming Entrepreneurs

1 Responses to “10 Steps to Becoming Entrepreneurs”

stacie28 :

very useful tips for young entrepreneurs! Hard-work really is an essential quality of a successful entrepreneur. Actually, true entrepreneurs like Bill Gates or Yuri Mintskovsky worked hard and finally they achieved success in their business and life. We should follow the example of these great men in order to succeed in our careers.

2 Februari 2012 pukul 18.33

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