How To Install Windows 7 With flash

BioPerson - How To Install Windows 7 With flash
In the previous article discussed about how to install Windows 7 and How to Install Windows XP, both of which used the usual way is someone who needs a CD drive or DVD Drive. This method is easy to use for a computer or laptop that has a DVD Room. However, for the notebook or netbook is not substantially similar laptop has a DVD room would be very difficult to re-install your windows.

Install Windows which is actually big the file is difficult at times, especially for a laptop without a DVD room, so it must have a DVD terpaks external room to cover the deficiency, where it was a waste of money, so other solutions must be sought by using the flash. With the stick man to innovate and find solutions to install its windows.

Install Windows With a stick may be familiar to most people, but for most people the term re-install the flash is odd and unlikely. However, this is the fact that the newest way to reinstall as a solution of the laptop without a dvd room is to install it using the flash. Certainly not just any flash, you must use 4 or 8 GB flash to install windows.

How To Install Windows 7 with flash
How To Install Windows 7 with flash

Well, this is the How To Install Windows With a flash and good luck to help you:
Fast way is:

Plug the flash that is more than 4 GB in size during normal computer is running -> run the application WinToFlash (useful for the transfer windows 7 to flash) -> flash is ready for use.
Plug the flash to the laptop that will re-install windows 7 on it -> Booting from the flash, it is intended that the flash can be run without going into windows. -> Install Windows 7 as usual.

You can download the WinToFlash in:
How to install windows 7 you can see in windows 7 install
May be useful and can provide valuable information for you regarding the re-install windows 7 with a flash.
How To Install Windows 7 With flash - Cara Install Windows 7 Dengan Flashdisk

Better Loved or Loving?

BioPerson - Better Loved or Loving?
One of the coveted woman in a relationship is getting the love that makes you feel precious in the eyes of someone. You certainly need to feel safe, to feel desirable, and valuable, but in fact none of the relationships can run smoothly without interruption. The belief that the couple will do whatever you happy, because he loves you-it is not always provable. Therefore, for a moment think about this question,

"Is it important for you to give love to someone who loves you?"

or questions

"Which is more important, a man who loved, or love yourself and others?", Or "Which is actually more important, loved or loving?"

Here bioperson Copas from about being loved or loving. Cekidot

Better Loved or Loving

Perhaps you will believe, better loved, and not love. This belief is caused, many people feel unloved as a child, and parents can not be considered a good example for her children. The thirst for love was acted when growing up, when you believe that being of a loved one will make you feel better. As a result, you believe that your beloved will have the best feelings about themselves. It is not wrong, but think again, why would you want yourself to feel valuable for other people?

"It could be a sign that this person does not respect yourself, he believes that the only way to feel valuable is when there is someone who loves and loves him," said Dr. Margaret Paul, PhD, an expert on relationships and marriage, in his article Which Works-titled Getting Love or Being Loving?.

Indeed, everyone wants to feel loved. But when you only demand to be loved, all that happened was one-sided relationship. The couple felt unappreciated and unloved. "Because you both are in a position both want to get love, then you may feel have chosen the wrong partner, and eventually ended the relationship. Or, try harder to control your partner's love," said Dr Margaret.

As long as you both do not respect and love yourself first, you will continue to get disappointed because he felt unloved by anyone.

With a sincere intention to love others, you learn to be responsible to love themselves and others, and are responsible for your feelings. With love means you learn to devote attention, affection, and respect for others. Your goal in a relationship no longer looking for someone who merely gave everything for you, but also give you what you have for him. You see the relationship as an opportunity to grow, play, and share love with others.

If your intention is to love in a relationship, you do not see the relationship as a way to meet your needs, because love does not require compensation from others. True love is giving, loving, understanding, and not ask. Automatically, when you love and give love to yourself and others, then you will be loved by many people, not just limited to your spouse. What about you?

4 Reasons Coolest Create Dump Girlfriend

BioPerson - 4 Reasons coolest Create dump girlfriend
This time sukaguecom will tell you the ideas that you can use as an excuse to dump a really cool boyfriend. As you already know, break up will always be a painful thing. So whatever your reason, you actually already know that eventually it would be painful as well. So better have a reason to cool then?

1. "You're boring. I'm bored Just You "
Admit it: This is the real reason that the most reasonable and actually the most common reasons people want to break up. Only you must mikir dong: "The period I had to dump the grounds doi bored anyway? I think really so bad ". This is wrong! Indeed, if you're bored, but you're actually looking alesan pake other, let alone why discredit your lover, your sins so double-double since added a lie. You do not want to sin double-double and go to hell right? So honestly ajah passable. You've emang so bad. Akuin ajalah.

2. "First time I Inget Nembak You? I lie. "
You: Honey ...

Girlfriend: Yes dear?

You: Inget not first time I shoot you?

Girlfriend: Inget dong. How could I forget. Hihihi ...

You: Yeah, actually I was lying tau. I'm just kidding doang. I guess you would not really serious. Hihihihi. We broke up aja ya?

Reasons Coolest Create Dump Girlfriend

3. "I Want So the Defenders of the Truth. Only love will stop me. "
As you already know, if you want to be a defender of truth, you should not compromise with the name of love. If you compromise with love, then later the enemies you can attack your lover and this is very detrimental. On the one hand makes you weak and on the other hand kasian these people so affected by your action. Now, therefore if you want to be a defender of truth, you can use this excuse. Cool!

4. "I Want to Master the World"
World domination is not easy. You need a high concentration and dedication. Therefore you can use this excuse to dump your boyfriend. Say wrote that you want to conquer the world and that your boyfriend not exist in your mega-plan for world domination. Quote If your boyfriend love you, he'll understand why.

ah, so start today there are not ya bullshit excuse for a boyfriend dump you. Remember, there are so many cool reasons that you can use to break up! Good luck!

Identify Sperm is Not Normal

BioPerson - Identify Sperm is Not Normal
How important sperm function in a process of pregnancy. Thus, abnormalities in sperm may lead to disruption of male reproductive function. Many cases occur in men are:

1. Number of Sperm.
Fluid released during ejaculation men during intercourse is called semen. Normal volume of about 2-5 ml of semen. "The liquid cement is white pearls and distinctive unpleasant smell with a pH of 7-8," said dr. Bowo. Well, the volume of semen is considered to be abnormally low if less than 1.5 ml. The volume of cement in excess of 5 ml is also considered abnormal.

sperm-countDalam semen is the number of spermatozoa is the determinant of the success of obtaining offspring. Normal, the number of spermatozoanya about 20 million / ml. In the case of man found less spermatozoa (oligozoospermia) or no sperm cells are found at all (azoospermia).

Except for sperm cells in semen there are other substances derived from the glands around male reproduction. Substances that serve the food supply and maintain the quality of spermatozoa that can survive until it snaps into the female reproductive tract.

Identify Sperm is Not Normal
Identify Sperm is Not Normal

2. Abnormalities of shape (morphology).
Normal sperm is shaped like a tadpole. Consists of the head, body, and tail. Abnormalities such as small head or a tail will not affect sperm motility. This of course will complicate the sperm reaching the egg.

3. Weak movement.
To reach the egg, sperm cells must be able to make the long journey. It was a determinant of conception. The number of sperm cells is sufficient, if not accompanied by normal movement, making the sperm cells will not reach the egg. In contrast, although few in number but its movement is faster, can reach the egg.

The case of weak sperm motility (asthenozoospermia) is often encountered. Sometimes even dead spermatozoa (necrozoospermia). Movement of spermatozoa were divided into 4 categories:
a. Moving fast and straight forward
b. Slow and difficult to move straight forward
c. Not moving forward (moving in place)
d. Motionless.

Considered normal when sperm have normal movement with a category of greater than or equal to 25% or categories b greater than or equal to 50%.

Normal spermatozoa are separated from each other and move according to each direction. In certain circumstances, abnormal spermatozoa clusters, bind to each other, and motionless. "The situation is said to occur agglutination," explained Tri Bowo. Agglutination may occur due to an immunological disorder in which egg cells sperm cells declined.

4. Too Lumpy Semen Fluid.
Semen is too thick resulting in sperm cells is difficult to move. Conception was so difficult for sperm cells failed to reach the egg. In the normal case, when diejakulasikan, fluid in the form of a thick cement will melt (liquifaksi) between 15-60 minutes.

5. Clogged channels.
At ejaculation, sperm exit the testes to the penis through a very fine line. If the channels were blocked, sperm can not get out. Generally this is due to trauma to the collision. It could also be due to lack of genital hygiene so that nourish the life of a virus or bacteria.

6. Testicular damage.
Testis can be damaged due to viruses and other infections, such as mumps, gonorrhea, syphilis, and so on. To note, the testes are sperm factories. Thus health should be maintained. You see, a healthy testicle will produce both sperm quality and quantity.

The testes are very sensitive. It was easy to be influenced by outside factors. If the testicle is compromised, sperm production could be disrupted. Maybe when exposed, he still issued a sperm. It's just that no sperm (azoospermia).

9 Tips If Love Unrequited

9 Tips If Love unrequited
ILL liver, disappointed or even feel ashamed when we realize that the love that we built was only one hand clapping. Ironic as it sounds. But it is undeniable that it can happen to anyone. In fact, sometimes you have it will feel that you are a valid one. Because too raise attention you receive from someone.

But life goes on. No need to regret in excess of what befall you. Assure that maybe the person you love is not the best person who deserves your love. Here are some things you can do to help your own self and removing yourself from the sometimes prolonged sadness.

1. Position You Realize
Be aware, how much she likes you on him, he will not return your feelings. You can not make someone fall in love with you even though you segigih any business. You better try to find something to do to shake the feeling you are on him.

2. Assure That We Will Get The Best.
You deserve someone who respects and cares about you. For that instill confidence in yourself that someday you will get the best, as expected. With such conviction that you can instill the confidence to step into a better future.

Tips If Love Unrequited
Tips If Love Unrequited

3. Do not Blame Yourself
Most of you probably will blame themselves by questioning why this could happen to you. Should be more careful and not develop feelings further on all the attention and affection, maybe this will never happen. Things like that will often haunt your mind. But for now this guilt away from your heart. Do not make pengandai-andaian. And do not ever imagine things that are not useful.

4. Do You Develop Feelings
Maybe you had thought that the rejection is only a matter of time. And you try to improve themselves all out to get his attention again. Do not ever try to get it back, you will never succeed. It seems it was too late. If you want to change do for yourself. And now it's time to think about yourself.

5. Look for Other People Who Understand You
Currently this is a good time to make friends as much as possible. Or search for family or friends who can understand your feelings. Share with them, who knows of them, you get the lesson that should be followed.

6. Hobbies tekuni
Do a hobby or anything that makes you happy. Remove the thoughts and feelings of all that is past. The trick to keep myself busy.

7. Open a New Sheet
Close your grief. Open a new page in life. When you feel angry, disappointed or anything else, it may feel natural and normal. But when you decide to let go 'of mourning' by determining the ideals and new hope.

8. Do not rush Seeking Substitute
Do not rush to find someone else as a substitute. It is unfair to that person. Give yourself time to recover so in advance and can accept the presence of someone with all my heart not because they want to escape from reality.

9. Never Too Obsessive
If you feel you can not prevent myself to chase him, seek professional assistance. The future stretched you. Rising from the sadness and the storm definitely passed. And the ideals you will be easily achieved with a clear mind and heart. If you have not been able to rise from the taste, you will miss a step behind the others.

4 Common Mistakes In Using ATM

4 Common Mistakes In Using ATM
In order to protect the account, you should cover the keypad on the ATM machine when it will enter a PIN. You do not take money at ATMs located in areas that are dark and deserted. You also have to recognize an ATM card which often makes swallowing. All of these security measures will prevent criminals are looting your money directly. However, if you have to keep your account balance is not being spent haphazardly? Be careful, if you make a habit like this, you will rob your own money without realizing it.

ATM Fees
When I first get an ATM card (when newly opened bank account), you need to ask in detail how much you will be in-charge when using ATMs. Whether it's time to withdraw funds in cash, transfer money, or pay bills (if applicable, according to your ATM card issuing bank). So you know, for example, the more often you transfer money to another bank, then the more the fee in-charge from your account balance.

4 Common Mistakes In Using ATM

PIN that is easy to guess
You certainly do not want to create a PIN number at random because it must be difficult to remember. Register them on the phone or on paper stored in the wallet will help, but this way is not safe. However, there is a way that is also not recommended, namely making a PIN that is easy to guess. For example, from your birthday, birthday boy, or whatever easily known by thieves. Thieves do not you know may know of the identity cards scattered. Meanwhile, the "thief" who turned out the people around you, and have held your ATM card, can only guess. To create a PIN number that is easy to remember, look at the letters on the phone keypad, then select a word that is assembled from a number of figures.

Does not track payments made
Many people are lazy to record expenditures. But if you want to always follow the budget you have set, then you need to know to what money is spent. Do you use an ATM card to withdraw cash or mendebetnya when eating out, filling stations, coffee in the coffee shop, or buy the books? A little bit, but if done repeatedly, of this withdrawal will be a lot. Have bill payments every time you spend money.

Treat it like a credit card
Although the ATM card was created to allow you to use the money, do not use it like when using a credit card. For example, when buying something with a credit card, you can set it to just billed the following month. If you pay by debit card, then you will lose money on the spot. After withdrawing cash from an ATM, is there a limit on the amount of money to be withdrawn. However, this does not depend on your account balance. This is different from cash withdrawals from credit cards, which are based on the percentage of credit card limit. Simply put, in some cases, control spending will be more difficult if you use an ATM card.

Duck Meat Processing Method for Soft

Duck Meat Processing Method for Soft
Why bioperson create an article on How to Soft Duck Meat Processing? Because the duck meat processing that is not actually making duck meat remained tough, loud and it smells fishy. Need special handling to make the duck meat into tender, not tough and not fishy.

Here are the steps to process the meat to become tender duck:
  • Choose a duck that is not too old nor too young. Most fitting is about 3 months old duck.
  • Bake the duck pieces over the coals, and clean the feathers that are still left with a banana leaf, and then cut according to taste.
  • Sprinkle with vinegar or lemon juice, wash and drain.
  • Cut the duck brutu so no fishy dishes.
  • So that when fried crispy, duck soak for 12 hours (overnight).
  • Before cooking the recipe, braised duck meat for 1 hour with various spices (lemongrass, ginger, garlic, lime leaves) aim to make the meat tender and remove the fishy smell. After that, the duck is ready dikreasikan into any recipe.
Duck Meat Method
Duck Meat

Some things to watch in the processing of duck meat
  • In order not smell fishy, Wash the meat with a clean, do not just dipped into the water. Then dispose of tunggir duck before processing.
  • The stench of ducks also can be eliminated by boiling them with ginger and stir kunit.
  • In order for duck meat tender, cook in a covered pan
  • Young duck meat is perfect for grilled, fried or grilled. While parents should be the duck meat dishes that require processing, such as boiled or steamed.
  • To be able to duck skin crisp and crunchy, Use honey mixed with three parts water sweet orange that has been stirred into one. Apply at the ducks are in roasted as often as possible.
Good luck to order tender duck meat processing that we have presented above. Duck Meat Processing Method for Soft

Skin Benefits of Oranges are Not We Know

Skin Benefits of Oranges are Not We Know
Orange peel turns out to have many benefits to relieve various symptoms of the disease. What are the benefits?

1) To prevent motion sickness. One hour before boarding the car, take a fresh piece of orange peel continue to hold your nose and breathe in the scent of orange peel. After riding a car, keep inhaling the orange peel oil to prevent motion sickness.

2) Prevent frostbite (frostbite). Burn some orange peel and grind to powder, mix it with vegetable oil and rub into the area that was swollen from the cold weather.

3) Treat bronchitis (inflammation of the lungs tract) infection. Put 5 to 15 grams of orange peel into a glass, add boiling water to make a glass of "orange peel tea". Drink as often as possible.

4) Treating coughs. Place 5 grams of dried orange peel into 2 cups water and boil for 10 to 15 minutes then add some ginger and brown sugar. Drink while warm.

5) Treat konstipasti (constipation / hard bowel movements). Boil 12 grams of fresh orange peel or 6 grams of dried orange peel with water for 10 to 15 minutes. Drink 2 times a day to prevent constipation (hard bowel movements).

Skin Benefits of Oranges
Skin Benefits of Oranges

6) Treating a hangover (feeling ill at the time of waking up after drinking too much). Boil 30 grams of fresh orange peel with water for 15 to 20 minutes, add a pinch of salt and drink.

7) Treating sore molars. Put a small piece of fresh orange peel in your mouth for 10 minutes before you sleep. Stay inside until you leave feeling less comfortable.

8) Maintain and treat sensitive teeth. Are your teeth sensitive to feel after eating oranges? Put the skin into the cup and add boiling water, cover glass for 5 to 10 minutes then drink.

9) Treat mastitis (breast was swollen when excess milk production). Boil 30 grams of fresh orange peel and 6 grams of licorice (liquorice) with water. Drink twice a day.

10) Eliminate bad breath. Chewing a small piece of fresh orange peel can eliminate bad breath.

11) Eliminate allergic symptoms after eating fish and crabs. Boil a few slices of fresh orange peel with water and drink.

12) Stop treating vomiting and abdominal pain. Boil a few pieces of orange peel with a fresh ginger with water and drink.

13) Preventing tightness in the chest (breathlessness). Add the boiling water into a glass of fresh orange peel, cover for 10 minutes, and add the sugar before you drink it, he can stop the feeling of tightness in the chest and sore throat.

14) Treat digestive problems. Soak 50 grams of orange peel with white wine for about 20 days, this is very good for digestion, dizziness and vomiting. If you eat too many fatty foods and feel the heat in, try this way.

15) Eliminate phlegm in the lungs. Soak a piece of orange peel into a white wine for about 20 days and drink, the longer the soak, the better the results.

16) Overcoming the cold. Boil some orange peel and fresh ginger in water for approximately 15 to 20 minutes, add the brown sugar, and drink like tea. This method can treat cold, flu, vomiting and coughing.

17) Restores appetite is less. Take a fresh orange peel and jemurlah until dry. Combine orange peel with tea leaves. When you're do not have the appetite, add the cooking water and stir into a glass bikinlah "orange peel tea". This way you can restore a lost appetite.

18) Treating inflammation of the pancreas. Boil 30 grams of orange peel and 10 grams of licorice (liquorice) with water.

Date Unique To Marry in 2012

BioPerson - Date Unique To Marry in 2012
Anyone would want a wedding that they langsungkan became the first marriage and the latter in life. For special moments, many couples choose the day in the months and years that are considered unique as the momentum of implementation of the wedding.

Dated 11 November 2011 (11/11/11) for example. Combination of numbers on a Friday last year it has been chosen by millions of couples in the world as the time of marriage. In this year, a unique combination of numbers can also be an option for you to get married.

This figure is the unique sequence from the sequence of numbers that exist in this year.

21-02-2012, combinations of numbers in the date-shaped mirror (Mirror). Number 2 at the beginning and at the end, the next number 1 after item 2, the zero after the number one, and closed by the number 2 in the middle of a combination of numbers.

12-12-2012, combinations of numbers in the date that symbolizes the sequence of numbers that twins 12/12/12.

20-12-2012 or 21-12-2012, many have called the combination of numbers on the two dates as a matching combination of numbers.

Well, the date which you choose to get married this year? Or you have a choice of dates and other combinations of numbers? Pun, who should be the benchmark is, essentially all of the date, day, month and year is unique and good. The main thing is to prepare the marriage intentions and mental readiness and material to get through it.

7 Strategies Dating Save Money But Still Romantic

7 Strategies Dating Save Money But Still Romantic
PLAN weekend with lover doomed to fail because the office too late to transfer salary? Relax, there are many plans out without exiting the fund.

Not only no-cost, built atmosphere will be created impression of warm nan romantic. Consider the following Allwomanstalk guide.

Plan with neat
Although thrifty romantic dating can be done anywhere and anytime, but with planning it neatly, then there would be no reason out additional funds. Make sure the date memorable moment for you and him.

cooking together
Invite lover to the house and ask him to help you cook at home. Simple gestures can both occur when cooking is very intimate, you know.

7 Strategies Dating Save Money But Still Romantic
7 Strategies Dating Save Money But Still Romantic

Dancing under the stars
Invite a lover to the park behind your house and ask him to sit on the grass. Turn on your iPod and look for songs that describe your feelings at this time. Hold out your hand and ask him to dance under the bright stars.

Listen to music
Download your favorite songs and listen to your iPod lovers together while enjoying the pleasure of lying together under the stars. Because music is the key to the hearts of women, guys!

Picnic in the park
Invite a lover to his favorite park with not forget to bring food and drinks to be enjoyed in the park. Imagine how romantic to enjoy the beautiful scenery, with the woman you love.

Give a surprise
Slightest shock will make the lover feel appreciated. So, why not go lover in his office at lunch with a red rose? Guaranteed, it will leave a lasting impression for the him.

Dinner at home
Can not enjoy the candle light dinner in a restaurant? Simply change the atmosphere of the dining room into the most romantic locations in the house. Make a favorite food lovers, prepare the strains of soft music and two long-stemmed candles on the table. Sounds romantic, no?

Ebike, World's First Wireless Bicycle

Ebike, World's First Wireless Bicycle
A company called Daymark create a bike without a brake wire and wire pngganti gear. Instead, emua activities and replacement of teeth braking controlled using a wireless 2.4 Ghz!

Although the save function is crucial, is often a barrier cable in motion we use a tool. Its presence can also reduce the appearance of beauty tools. Eg brake cables, gears, electric motors and cables are wrapped on the outside of the framework of an electric bicycle. Some manufacturers have hidden the cables inside the bike frame, but by Daymak Inc.. much more interesting.

Electric bicycle manufacturer based in the city of Toronto claims to have created the first wireless electric bicycle in the world. Electric bicycle, named Shadow Ebike does not have the gear and brake cables, wires and even electric motors were not visible outside the framework of the bike. Bicycle pedal and speed are all controlled wirelessly via the system Daymak Drive. To minimize disruption, Daymak Inc.. using frequency-hopping technology ISM 2.4 GHz spread spectrum wireless.

World's First Wireless Bicycle

All the electric cables, electric motor, lithium polymer batteries, and system Daymak Shadow Ebike Drive bike hidden in the front wheels are covered by the framework of special design. When the user brakes, a system of bike will send electricity back to the battery. One more interesting thing, this bike is also equipped with a USB port that can be used to recharge the battery of mobile device users.

Shadow Ebike available in two electric motors, 250W or 350W, with a lithium-ion 10Ah 36V voltage. These batteries can generate electricity to run about 25 to 40 kilometers, depending on the combination use of motor and pedal bicycles. Recharging the battery Shadow Ebike takes about 5 hours. Daymak sell wireless electric bicycle is priced at USD 1.999

Revealed the Cause of Dinosaur Extinction

Revealed the Cause of Dinosaur Extinction - A large asteroid that fell to earth became the leading cause of death of the dinosaurs. The statement expressed in a panel of scientists who followed 41 experts from around the world. In the meeting it was agreed that the mass extinction of more than half of all species on this planet, including dinosaurs and some large marine reptiles.

They concluded that the impact occurred about 65 million years ago, has cleared the way for mammals to become the dominant species on earth. An asteroid at 15 km is believed to have hit the planet earth with the power of one billion is more powerful than the atomic bomb on Hiroshima.

This resulted in the crater known as Chicxulub crater is buried beneath the Yucatan Peninsula. Asteroids, which is almost 15 times the size of a football field-exploded and crashed at high speed into the atmosphere.

Revealed the Cause of Dinosaur Extinction

In the study it is believed, the incident triggered a series of events that cause global winter and wipe out most life on earth in a matter of days.

Scientists have previously argued about whether the so-called Cretaceous-Tertiary (KT) which is caused by an asteroid or by volcanic activity in India more than 1.5 million years. For the new study, scientists analyzed 20 years of work by palaeontologists, geochemists, climate modellers, geophysicists and sedimentologists.

They concluded that the geological record shows the events that triggered the extinction destroyed marine and land ecosystems rapidly, is the impact of an asteroid. This is the only plausible explanation.

Dr Joanna Morgan, of Imperial College London, said: "We now have great confidence that an asteroid was the cause of the KT extinction. It is shrouded in the darkness of the earth and cause global winter, killing off many species can not adapt to this hellish environment."

Co-author Dr Gareth Collins, also from Imperial College, adding that the blast of hot rock and gas looking like a giant fireball on the horizon, grilling any living creature in the immediate vicinity that could not find shelter.

"Ironically, while the hell this marks the end of 160-million-year dinosaur, turns out to be a great day for mammals, who has lived in the shadow of dinosaurs before this. KT extinction was a pivotal moment in Earth's history, which ultimately paved the way for humans to become dominant species on Earth.

Health Benefits of Garlic

Health Benefits of Garlic
J-Queen's led team has discovered the reason why garlic is so good for us. There are many researchers believe that the organic compound, allicin in garlic that has been providing aroma and flavor, it also acts as an antioxidant is most powerful in the world. But until now has not been clear how allicin works, or how the composition of more frequent compared with antioxidants such as vitamin E and coenzyme Q10, which stop the damage caused by radical compounds.

"We can not understand how garlic contains antioxidant in an efficient, because it does not have a number of types of compounds usually responsible for high antioxidant activity in plants, such as the flavanoids found in green tea or grapes," Professor Derek Pratt, who led the study says Chemistry "If allicin was indeed responsible for this activity in garlic, we wanted to know how it works."

Health Benefits of Garlic

The research team tested the ability of allicin to trap damaging radicals so effectively, and considered the possibility that a decomposition product of allicin may instead be able to do so. Through experiments with synthetically-produced allicin, they found that the acid produced when the compound decomposes rapidly reacts with radicals.

Their findings are published in the January 2009 issue of the international chemistry journal Angewandte Chemie.

"Basically the allicin compound has to decompose in order to generate a potent antioxidant," explains Dr. Pratt, Canada Research Chair in Chemistry of free radicals. "The reaction between acid and radicals is as fast sulfenik he could, just limited to the time needed for the two molecules to come when in contact. No one has ever seen compounds, natural or synthetic, react this quickly as antioxidants. "

The researchers believe that there is a relationship between the reaction of acid sulfenik and benefits of garlic. "While garlic has been used as a herbal medicine for centuries and many garlic supplements on the market, until now there has been no convincing explanation as to why garlic is beneficial," says Dr. Pratt. "I think we have taken the first step in uncovering a fundamental chemical mechanism which may explain garlic's medicinal benefits."

Type with a red onion, garlic is a species in the family Alliaceae. All of these other plants contain a compound that is very similar to allicin, but they do not have the same medicinal properties. Dr. Pratt and his colleagues believe that this is due to a slower rate of decomposition of the allicin analogs in the onions, and garlic that leads to a lower level of sulfenic acid available to react as antioxidants with radicals.

The study was funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and Ontario Ministry of Innovation. Other members of the research team Chemistry post-doctoral researcher Vipraja Vaidya and Keith Ingold, from the National Research Council of Canada.

13 Tips For Sleeping Delicious

13 Tips For Sleeping Delicious
Not everyone can have good sleep quality. 13 Consider the following suggestions so you can sleep soundly, so fresh and fit when awake.

1. Find peace and tranquility at bedtime
To be able to sleep quickly and soundly throughout the night, turns the body requires preparation. How can sleep good when your body and mind are not prepared for it? The first step is to create an atmosphere of peace and quiet. Leave your problems weighing on that day. Lighten your mind and body with a fun activity.

If the atmosphere is not bad or noisy neighbors, you try out Kamara and find the most comfortable place to sit. Soothe the hearts and minds so as not disturbed by the situation.
You could also try to read to relax. Choose the reading light so as not to siphon attention and even create alert.
Watching a TV show? Why not! But choose a relaxed program.
Listening to music is also highly recommended. Once again, choose a soothing light music.
Try to meditate or pray. This would reconcile the hearts and minds.
If you prefer, you can also ask for a warm bath or massage.

13 Tips For Sleeping Delicious
13 Tips For Sleeping Delicious

2. Create a bedtime ritual
This ritual is required to give signals to the body that now is the time to sleep inii. Of course the ritual is up to you. For example, at certain hours you lock all the doors, turn off the lights, cleaning themselves in the bathroom, wearing a night cream, gantu clothes, and climbed into bed. If the ritual is done every day, your body will know when to sleep.

3. Do not go to bed angry
When I went to bed still angry, believe me, in bed you will think of arguments and counter-attack strategy. Too often people make a bed as an arena to solve the problem. In fact, the bed should be a place to experience peace and tranquility.

4. Do not worry about sleep
Worrying about not sleeping at all productive even just produce more stress, anxiety and insomnia.

5. Do not force yourself to sleep
Many people like to force myself to sleep because the next day will do something important. "I have to sleep, I had to sleep," the phrase uttered many times in the heart that makes you drowsy and fell asleep instead. The harder he tried, even more difficult. Try to do number one suggestion: relax!

6. Put off delay!
In general, we prefer to delay the work with the motto: "If I can tomorrow, why it should be done today." As a result, some people become difficult or sleep soundly because the mind remains on the job, it takes discipline.

Make dafta what should be completed that day, do not forget to set the time.
Finish what you started. Leave the job half-finished can be difficult for you to relax before bed. Sometimes it also makes lazy to finish the next day.
Hold an appointment to complete the work on time. Make a schedule and stick to what you had planned.

7. Do not obsess about a dream
Dream is controversial. There are scientists consider dreams are expressions of the unconscious. Others simply regard a dream as a random thought that comes into the brain and has no meaning. Therefore, the meaning of dreams mengenalisis absolutely no use. What is clear, and can remember having a dream is a sign we do not sleep soundly.

8. Practice exercise early
Sports memamg necessary but if it's done close to bedtime will make you not able to rest comfortably. Exercise not only makes us feel tired, but the body organs such as brain, heart and others will be stimulated to be active, so it takes time for cooling. Do exercises early, if possible morning, 30-45 minutes 3-4 times a week.

9. Be careful with kefein
Caffeine found in coffee and black tea we drink is common in the morning or late afternoon. In fact, because of the opinion that coffee does not affect any APAP, sometimes people drink coffee at bedtime. In fact, there is an unconscious effect, that is to be tired when I wake up. Unfortunately, oranhg then try to eliminate fatigue, tiredness and lack of fresh coffee. This is nothing more than a vicious circle resulting in bodily injury. Do not drink caffeine at least six hours before bedtime. Do not also underestimate kefein on other products such as soft drinks, ebergi enhancer, and so on.

10. Eat a snack before bed
Eating too full, otherwise it makes it hard to sleep even make sleepy. However, go to bed hungry is not good because it makes it difficult or sleeping soundly. Research has proven fast and light meal before can make sleep more soundly. Do about 30 minutes before bedtime, but not on the bed. Avoid foods that contain MSG and caffeine.

11. Do not smoke
Smoking not only would disrupt keseahtan, but also keep you awake. Research shows heavy smokers have a higher risk than nonsmokers memgalami insomnia.

12. Do not drink and sleep
There are times when alcoholic beverages to help people to sleep. However, alcohol will keep them awake at midnight, increase the portion of drinking, and eventually reap a variety of illnesses including respiratory disturbance. Do not choose alcoholic beverages to a lullaby. Choose other relaxation techniques.

13. Walk in the morning
You may not have trouble sleeping soundly. However, you may not know that walking on pagihari can help get good quality sleep. Why? This is a series of formation your biological clock. Like the bedtime ritual, walking, or riding a bike could form the rhythm of the body when to sleep and wake.
13 Tips For Sleeping Delicious

Unique Facts About Science

Unique Facts About Science

1. You can hypnotize chickens
A chicken can be hypnotized, or in no-trance by holding its head downward, and constantly draw a line along the surface on the bottom with a stick or a finger, starting from its beak and then proceed straight toward the front of the chicken.
If the chicken is hypnotized by the way, chicken TSB will remain still for 15-30 minutes, constantly seeing those lines.

2. You can air-erection when he died
Sebuat erection at the time of death (Angel Lust) is a term for an erection that comes when a man dies vertically or face down. During life, the pumping of blood by the heart ensures the distribution of blood around the blood vessels of the human body. At the time this mechanism has ended, only the force of gravity that affect the blood circulation. Blood accumulates at the lowest point of the body and cause the appearance of swelling. Did you know the lowest point of the human body when it dies vertically or face down?

Unique Facts About Science

3. Your hand can have a life of their own
Alien hand syndrome (or Dr.. Strangelove syndrome) is a neurological disorder that causes unusual one hand of the patient is seen to have its own kehidpuan.
This syndrome can be well documented where someone has two separate parts of their brains, sometimes to the mention of epilepsy is very extreme. This can occur due to brain surgery, receipt, or infection. Hati2, your hands are after you!

4. Do not laugh too much, it could kill you
In the year 300 BC, the Greek philosophy of Chrysippus died of laughter setalh seeing a donkey eating figs.
On 24 March 1975, Alex Mitchell, a penyemen brick from King's Lynn, England, died laughing while watching The Goodies. According to his wife, as a witness, Mitchell could not dismiss his laughter while watching episodes of Kung Fu Kapes where Tim Brooke-Taylor-clad Scotland, using a set of bagpipes (Scottish musical instrument) to defend themselves from a psycho in a demonstration of martial arts Scottish Hoots- Toot-ochaye. After 25 minutes continuous laughter, Mitchell finally fell on his couch and died of heart failure. His wife later sent a letter to The goodies to thank for giving the last moment please her husband.

5. There are weapons that can make a person gay
Gay bomb is an informal name for a chemical potential of the weapon, which is speculated by the U.S. Air Force is being manufactured in Iraq.
In a statement in its documents, bombs were mentioned an aphrodisiac (a kind of drug that stimulates sexual gariah) is strong can be dropped into enemy soldiers, and ideally can lead to homosexual behavior at least one person in the unity of the army TSB. Gara2 they catch Saddam's bomb!

6. True, man can give milk
The phenomenon of breast feeding of a man has become common in today's tahun2 due to a medical drug that stimulates the mammary glands in men.
The ability to produce milk man (male Lactation) is usually caused by hormonal treatments given to men suffering from prostate cancer. It can also arise by stimulating breast (both men and women) to suck it in months.

7. Tommacco Bart Simpson (half tomato, half tobacco do exist)
Tomacco is a hybrid fruit that is fiction that contains half tomato and half tobacco / tobacco, from episode EIEI-(annoyed Grunt) The Simpsons movie pad 1999; methods used to make tomacco any fiction.

Tomacoo become reality when the fruit can be produced in 2003. Inspired by the movie The Simpsons, Rob Baur of Lake Oswego, Oregon managed to sow the seeds of tomatoes into the roots of tobacco plants, which can be fused because both plants are from the same family.

8. It's okay to have a third nipple
A supernumerary nipple (also known as a third nipple) is an additional nipple that may arise in mammals including humans. Often mistaken for moles / tompel, supernumerary nipple rata2 diagnosed in women by 2%, and decreased the percentage is in men. Putting TSB appears in milk between 2 vertical lines starting from the armpit on each side.

9. You can die on the toilet
There are so many accidents in the toilet and some deaths that occurred in the toilet throughout history and rumors.
During adolescence, one of the causes of the frequent occurrence of accidents genital / genital in men is when the toilet lid fell while urinating.

George II of Great Britain died on the toilet on 25 October 1760 due to the interruption of the artery. According to Horace Walpole, King George woke up at six o'clock and drinking chocolate. Hours 7 through 15 minutes he went into a small closet. Security guards are waiting outside to hear the sound and ran into the oak, then found King dead on the floor.

10. Taking snot and healthful eating may be
Mucophagy (which means eating snot) is Ingestion snot, mucus, or other glands originating from the nose. Some studies suggest that mucophagy might be a natural occurrence and even healthy activity, which allow the digestive system bacteria accumulate an eye on the nose, which then helps strengthen the body's defense.
Unique Facts About Science