Identify Sperm is Not Normal

BioPerson - Identify Sperm is Not Normal
How important sperm function in a process of pregnancy. Thus, abnormalities in sperm may lead to disruption of male reproductive function. Many cases occur in men are:

1. Number of Sperm.
Fluid released during ejaculation men during intercourse is called semen. Normal volume of about 2-5 ml of semen. "The liquid cement is white pearls and distinctive unpleasant smell with a pH of 7-8," said dr. Bowo. Well, the volume of semen is considered to be abnormally low if less than 1.5 ml. The volume of cement in excess of 5 ml is also considered abnormal.

sperm-countDalam semen is the number of spermatozoa is the determinant of the success of obtaining offspring. Normal, the number of spermatozoanya about 20 million / ml. In the case of man found less spermatozoa (oligozoospermia) or no sperm cells are found at all (azoospermia).

Except for sperm cells in semen there are other substances derived from the glands around male reproduction. Substances that serve the food supply and maintain the quality of spermatozoa that can survive until it snaps into the female reproductive tract.

Identify Sperm is Not Normal
Identify Sperm is Not Normal

2. Abnormalities of shape (morphology).
Normal sperm is shaped like a tadpole. Consists of the head, body, and tail. Abnormalities such as small head or a tail will not affect sperm motility. This of course will complicate the sperm reaching the egg.

3. Weak movement.
To reach the egg, sperm cells must be able to make the long journey. It was a determinant of conception. The number of sperm cells is sufficient, if not accompanied by normal movement, making the sperm cells will not reach the egg. In contrast, although few in number but its movement is faster, can reach the egg.

The case of weak sperm motility (asthenozoospermia) is often encountered. Sometimes even dead spermatozoa (necrozoospermia). Movement of spermatozoa were divided into 4 categories:
a. Moving fast and straight forward
b. Slow and difficult to move straight forward
c. Not moving forward (moving in place)
d. Motionless.

Considered normal when sperm have normal movement with a category of greater than or equal to 25% or categories b greater than or equal to 50%.

Normal spermatozoa are separated from each other and move according to each direction. In certain circumstances, abnormal spermatozoa clusters, bind to each other, and motionless. "The situation is said to occur agglutination," explained Tri Bowo. Agglutination may occur due to an immunological disorder in which egg cells sperm cells declined.

4. Too Lumpy Semen Fluid.
Semen is too thick resulting in sperm cells is difficult to move. Conception was so difficult for sperm cells failed to reach the egg. In the normal case, when diejakulasikan, fluid in the form of a thick cement will melt (liquifaksi) between 15-60 minutes.

5. Clogged channels.
At ejaculation, sperm exit the testes to the penis through a very fine line. If the channels were blocked, sperm can not get out. Generally this is due to trauma to the collision. It could also be due to lack of genital hygiene so that nourish the life of a virus or bacteria.

6. Testicular damage.
Testis can be damaged due to viruses and other infections, such as mumps, gonorrhea, syphilis, and so on. To note, the testes are sperm factories. Thus health should be maintained. You see, a healthy testicle will produce both sperm quality and quantity.

The testes are very sensitive. It was easy to be influenced by outside factors. If the testicle is compromised, sperm production could be disrupted. Maybe when exposed, he still issued a sperm. It's just that no sperm (azoospermia).

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