Better Loved or Loving?

BioPerson - Better Loved or Loving?
One of the coveted woman in a relationship is getting the love that makes you feel precious in the eyes of someone. You certainly need to feel safe, to feel desirable, and valuable, but in fact none of the relationships can run smoothly without interruption. The belief that the couple will do whatever you happy, because he loves you-it is not always provable. Therefore, for a moment think about this question,

"Is it important for you to give love to someone who loves you?"

or questions

"Which is more important, a man who loved, or love yourself and others?", Or "Which is actually more important, loved or loving?"

Here bioperson Copas from about being loved or loving. Cekidot

Better Loved or Loving

Perhaps you will believe, better loved, and not love. This belief is caused, many people feel unloved as a child, and parents can not be considered a good example for her children. The thirst for love was acted when growing up, when you believe that being of a loved one will make you feel better. As a result, you believe that your beloved will have the best feelings about themselves. It is not wrong, but think again, why would you want yourself to feel valuable for other people?

"It could be a sign that this person does not respect yourself, he believes that the only way to feel valuable is when there is someone who loves and loves him," said Dr. Margaret Paul, PhD, an expert on relationships and marriage, in his article Which Works-titled Getting Love or Being Loving?.

Indeed, everyone wants to feel loved. But when you only demand to be loved, all that happened was one-sided relationship. The couple felt unappreciated and unloved. "Because you both are in a position both want to get love, then you may feel have chosen the wrong partner, and eventually ended the relationship. Or, try harder to control your partner's love," said Dr Margaret.

As long as you both do not respect and love yourself first, you will continue to get disappointed because he felt unloved by anyone.

With a sincere intention to love others, you learn to be responsible to love themselves and others, and are responsible for your feelings. With love means you learn to devote attention, affection, and respect for others. Your goal in a relationship no longer looking for someone who merely gave everything for you, but also give you what you have for him. You see the relationship as an opportunity to grow, play, and share love with others.

If your intention is to love in a relationship, you do not see the relationship as a way to meet your needs, because love does not require compensation from others. True love is giving, loving, understanding, and not ask. Automatically, when you love and give love to yourself and others, then you will be loved by many people, not just limited to your spouse. What about you?

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