Skin Benefits of Oranges are Not We Know

Skin Benefits of Oranges are Not We Know
Orange peel turns out to have many benefits to relieve various symptoms of the disease. What are the benefits?

1) To prevent motion sickness. One hour before boarding the car, take a fresh piece of orange peel continue to hold your nose and breathe in the scent of orange peel. After riding a car, keep inhaling the orange peel oil to prevent motion sickness.

2) Prevent frostbite (frostbite). Burn some orange peel and grind to powder, mix it with vegetable oil and rub into the area that was swollen from the cold weather.

3) Treat bronchitis (inflammation of the lungs tract) infection. Put 5 to 15 grams of orange peel into a glass, add boiling water to make a glass of "orange peel tea". Drink as often as possible.

4) Treating coughs. Place 5 grams of dried orange peel into 2 cups water and boil for 10 to 15 minutes then add some ginger and brown sugar. Drink while warm.

5) Treat konstipasti (constipation / hard bowel movements). Boil 12 grams of fresh orange peel or 6 grams of dried orange peel with water for 10 to 15 minutes. Drink 2 times a day to prevent constipation (hard bowel movements).

Skin Benefits of Oranges
Skin Benefits of Oranges

6) Treating a hangover (feeling ill at the time of waking up after drinking too much). Boil 30 grams of fresh orange peel with water for 15 to 20 minutes, add a pinch of salt and drink.

7) Treating sore molars. Put a small piece of fresh orange peel in your mouth for 10 minutes before you sleep. Stay inside until you leave feeling less comfortable.

8) Maintain and treat sensitive teeth. Are your teeth sensitive to feel after eating oranges? Put the skin into the cup and add boiling water, cover glass for 5 to 10 minutes then drink.

9) Treat mastitis (breast was swollen when excess milk production). Boil 30 grams of fresh orange peel and 6 grams of licorice (liquorice) with water. Drink twice a day.

10) Eliminate bad breath. Chewing a small piece of fresh orange peel can eliminate bad breath.

11) Eliminate allergic symptoms after eating fish and crabs. Boil a few slices of fresh orange peel with water and drink.

12) Stop treating vomiting and abdominal pain. Boil a few pieces of orange peel with a fresh ginger with water and drink.

13) Preventing tightness in the chest (breathlessness). Add the boiling water into a glass of fresh orange peel, cover for 10 minutes, and add the sugar before you drink it, he can stop the feeling of tightness in the chest and sore throat.

14) Treat digestive problems. Soak 50 grams of orange peel with white wine for about 20 days, this is very good for digestion, dizziness and vomiting. If you eat too many fatty foods and feel the heat in, try this way.

15) Eliminate phlegm in the lungs. Soak a piece of orange peel into a white wine for about 20 days and drink, the longer the soak, the better the results.

16) Overcoming the cold. Boil some orange peel and fresh ginger in water for approximately 15 to 20 minutes, add the brown sugar, and drink like tea. This method can treat cold, flu, vomiting and coughing.

17) Restores appetite is less. Take a fresh orange peel and jemurlah until dry. Combine orange peel with tea leaves. When you're do not have the appetite, add the cooking water and stir into a glass bikinlah "orange peel tea". This way you can restore a lost appetite.

18) Treating inflammation of the pancreas. Boil 30 grams of orange peel and 10 grams of licorice (liquorice) with water.

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